A Historical Novel about the Expulsion of the Jews from Spain.

Winner of the 1992 International Fernando Jeno Literary Award

Hardbound, 357 pages ISBN 0-9620772-0-8 First Edition, 1988

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"One of history's most dramatic chapters beautifully fictionalized…Raphael writes with deep insight and with great intuition and bridges the 500-year gap as if the reader were there…I recommend this historic novel to every student of Jewish history. But I have to add a warning: Fasten your seatbelt! You are in for an unusually hard ride...""
---Professor Benno Weiser Varon, Boston University

"A welcome contribution to popular Jewish studies…Impressively researched…His imagined accounts are grimly believable…while the factual evidence in 'The Alhambra Decree' is fascinating…
---The New York Times Book Review

Raphael recreates the Spain of 1492 with a deft hand…This historical novel contains much more research and depth than most, offering a fast-paced plot with historical accuracy…
---Diane Donovan, Midwest Review

The ordeal of Spanish Jews in the Middle Ages told in gripping prose…Raphael's book, based on true facts and real characters, has rare merit: it combines thrilling narrative, scholarship, and historical accuracy…The result is a drama that touches the reader…
---Daniel Santacruz, New York City Tribune

El Decreto de la Alhambra

Novela historica sobre la expulsion de los judios de Espana en 1492 PREMIO FERNANDO JENO 1992

Escrita por David T. Raphael. Traduccion del ingles de Daniel Santacruz

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Y sobre ellos mandamos dar en nuestra carta, por lo cual mandamos a todos los judios e judias de cualquier hedad que sean que biben e moran e estan en los dichos nuestros reynos e senorios asi los naturales dellos como los non naturales que en qualquier manera e que por cualquier cavsa ayan benido e esten en ellos que fasta en fin del mes del jullio primero que biene de este presente ano, salgan de todos los dichos nuestros reinos e senorios con sus hijos e hijas, criados e criadas e familiares judios, asi grandes como pequenos, de cualquier hedad que sean, o non sean osados de tornar a ellos ni estar en ellos ni en parte algunos de bibienda ni de paso ni en otra manera alguna so pena que si no lo fiziesen e cumpliesen asi e fueren hallados estar en los dichos nuestros reynos y senorios e benir a ellos en cualquier manera, yncurran en pena de muerte e confiscacion de todos sus bienes...
--Edicto de Expulsion, 31 de marzo, 1492, Granada, Espana

""Una valiosa contribucion al campo de estudios judios...investigada con profundidad...Sus relatos imaginarios son crudamente verosimiles...La evidencia historica en 'El Decreto de la Alhambra' es fascinante..."
--Barbara Finkelstein, New York Times Book Review

"Uno de los capitulos mas dramaticos de la historia bellamente ficcionalizado... Raphael escribe con gran profundidad y, cerrando una brocha, transporta al lector 500 anos atras...Recomiendo esta novela a todo estudioso de la historia judia. Pero tengo que agregar una advertencia: Ajustese el cinturon de seguridad! El viaje va ser muy movido..."
--Profesor Benno Weiser Varon, Boston University

The Conquistadores and Crypto-Jews of Monterrey

Monterrey has a mystique all its own, marked as it is by an enduring "Jewish question" controversy. This book reviews the claims that many of the founding families of Monterrey were of Jewish descent.

The saga of the Spanish conquest of northeastern New Spain, and of the roles played by Conversos of Jewish descent in the colonizing effort, is presented. Includes new and exciting information extracted from Spanish Inquisition records about the Garzas of Monterrey. Features chapters on the principal figures in the Monterrey area during that formative era--Luis de Carvajal, Alberto del Canto, Diego de Montemayor--amid the ongoing battles with the indigenous Chichimecas.

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"This meticulously researched and admirably presented work is a major contribution to the history of the new World, and is an engaging account of an era characterized by the struggle between compulsion and freedom of conscience"
--Dr. Martin A. Cohen, Professor of Jewish History
Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, New York City

The Cavalier of Malaga

A Historical Novel about Converso Life In Inquisitional Spain

Hardbound, 187 pages
ISBN 0-9620772-1-6 First edition, 1989

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"The world of the Conversos, the secret Jews who pretend to be Christians, is artfully reconstructed in this exciting, heart-pounding adventure set in 15th century Spain. A relentless romp from start to finish, it tells the story of Alberto Galante-a bold, dashing Converso cavalier who valiantly wields his sword against the Moorish warriors at Málaga, but who then must face an even greater foe: the dreaded Holy Office of the Inquisition.
"Entertaining…authentic account…Reads like a movie script starring a young Kirk Douglas with a villainous Basil Rathbone."
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